Christmas prayer, luncheon held at Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker’s residence

President U Win Myint, First Lady Daw Cho Cho and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi slice the Christmas cake as Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker
U T Khun Myat and wife Daw Yin May clap in celebration at the residence of Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat. photo: MNA

President, First Lady, State Counsellor attend Christmas celebration

President U Win Myint, First Lady Daw Cho Cho and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi attended a Christmas prayer and luncheon held at Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat’s residence yesterday noon.
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat, wife Daw Yin May and family welcomed President U Win Myint, First Lady Daw Cho Cho, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Vice President U Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, Vice President U Henry Van Thio, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than and wife Daw Nant Kyin Kyi, Chairman of the Myanmar Constitutional Tribunal U Myo Nyunt and wife Daw Htay Yi, Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker and wife, Amyotha Hluttaw Deputy Speaker and wife, Chairman of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s Legal Affairs and Special Cases Assessment Commission and wife, Union Ministers, Union Auditor-General, Chairman of the Union Civil Service Board, Nay Pyi Taw Council Chairman, Justices of the Supreme Court of the Union, members of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Union, members of the Union Election Commission, Deputy Ministers, Deputy Attorney General, members of the Union Civil Service Board, Nay Pyi Taw Council members and wives, chairmen and secretaries of the Hluttaw Affairs committees, departmental heads, Reverends and invited guests.
The luncheon began with Nay Pyi Taw Council of Churches Chairman Rev. Dr. Tin Maung Aye delivering a Christmas prayer, after which he extended his blessings to the State leaders of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the people of Myanmar.
President U Win Myint, First Lady and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi take a documetary group photo with Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat, his wife and family and guests. Photo: MNA
Next, President U Win Myint, First Lady Daw Cho Cho and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi cut the Christmas cake together.
Afterwards, invited guests sang Christmas songs, followed by Rev. U Chan Khaw of the Kachin Baptist Convention delivering a prayer.
The President, First Lady, State Counsellor and invited guests then had lunch together. After the luncheon, the President, First Lady and State Counsellor took a commemorative group photo with the Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker, his wife and family and guests. — MNA (Translated by Zaw Min)
